FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home
FitBike Race Magnetic Home

FitBike Race Magnetic Home

Sale price€449,00 Regular price€749,00
Sold out

in3 Logo Or pay €149,67 in 3 installments with 0% interest with in3

The Fitbike Magnetic Home Race is the ideal indoor cycle for the serious home athlete. This indoor bike has a magnetic resistance system, allowing you to train quietly and with low maintenance.

ℹ️ Sales and delivery by: Betersport

Free shipping on all bikes
✅ 14 day money back
Interest-free payment in 3 installments
Free CycleMasters Membership included

De Race Magnetic Home van Fitbike is de ideale indoor cycle voor de intensieve thuissporter. Deze indoor fiets heeft de beschikking over een magnetisch weerstandsysteem waardoor je fluisterstil en onderhoudsarm kunt trainen. Bijkomende voordelen van een magnetisch weerstandsysteem ten opzichte van een viltblokje zijn de grotere maximale weerstand, geen slijtagegevoeligheid en de mooie ronde rotatie doordat de magneet het wiel niet aanraakt. De Magnetic Home is zeer stabiel door zijn gewicht van 50 kg en heeft een comfortabele ronde rotatie door het vliegwiel swingmassa van 20 kg, waardoor deze indoor cycle intensief kan worden belast.

Uniek design en techniek

De Race Magnetic Home van FitBike valt direct op vanwege zijn bijzondere design. Het extreem dikke vliegwiel geeft deze indoor bike een stoer karakter. Ook aan de afwerking is veel zorg besteed. De Race Magnetic Home heeft naast zijn prachtige design ook de beschikking over een sterk en stabiel frame. Het totale gewicht van de indoor cycle is 50 kg en mag belast worden tot maar liefst 125 kg. Alle draaiende delen zijn voorzien van industriële kogellagers en het crankstel, dat gelijk aan een normale sportfiets, bestaat uit 3 losse delen (as, crank en trapper).

Het beste weerstandsysteem

De weerstand van de meeste indoor fietsen wordt bepaald door middel van een vilt blokje. De mate waarin het vilt blokje tegen het vliegwiel aan drukt, bepaalt of de weerstand zwaarder of lichter wordt. De weerstand van de Race Magnetic Home wordt gewijzigd door middel van een sterke magneet. Door aan de weerstandsknop op het frame te draaien, verandert de stand van de magneet ten opzichte van het vliegwiel. Deze vernieuwde techniek heeft als voordeel dat de weerstand nauwkeuriger geregeld kan worden. Een magnetisch weerstandsysteem vergt daarnaast weinig onderhoud en is geheel geruisloos (voordelen ten opzichte van een vilt systeem). Deze voordelen maken de Race Magnetic Home tot de ideale indoor cycle voor (intensief) thuisgebruik!

Geluidsvrije aandrijving

De Race Magnetic Home wordt aangedreven door een industriële V-Belt. Het grootste voordeel van een industriële V-Belt ten opzichte van een ketting is het verschil in geluid. Een V-Belt is geheel geruisloos terwijl een kettingaandrijving relatief veel geluid maakt.

Ergonomisch ontwerp

De FitBike Race Magnetic Home is in alle posities aan te passen naar de gewenste lengte van de gebruiker. Het zadel is in 6 hoogtes verstelbaar door een pop-in systeem. Dit systeem zorgt ervoor dat het zadel ook bij zware belasting op de juiste positie zal blijven zitten. Het zadel is daarnaast ook horizontaal verstelbaar. Het schuifmechanisme maakt het mogelijk om het zadel op de millimeter precies in te stellen is. Daarnaast is ook het stuur van de FitBike Race Magnetic Home geheel naar eigen inzicht aan te passen. De hoogte van het stuur is in 4 posities verstelbaar door middel van het eerder benoemde pop-in systeem. Horizontaal is het stuur per millimeter te verstellen.

Het ergonomische stuur heeft de beschikking over verschillende beugels om uw houding tijdens het indoor fietsen te kunnen veranderen. Daarnaast maken de arm pads van de FitBike Race Magnetic Home het mogelijk om een triatlon houding aan te nemen.

Bijbehorende trainingscomputer

Bij deze indoor cycle krijg je standaard een trainingscomputer geleverd die je inzicht geeft in verschillende trainingsgegevens. Zo kun je de volgende gegevens aflezen:

  • Trainingstijd
  • Snelheid
  • ODO: totale afstand geregistreerd met deze trainingscomputer
  • RPM: aantal rotaties per minuut
  • Afstand
  • Aantal verbrande calorieën (indicatie)

Intensief trainen

Dankzij het ergonomische ontwerp van de indoor cycle, waarbij je een geavanceerde fietspositie aanneemt, kun je krachtiger trappen en tegelijkertijd je buik- en rugspieren activeren. Hometrainers bieden doorgaans een meer rechtopstaande zitpositie, wat minder belastend kan zijn voor ouderen of mensen die revalideren.

Vele additionele opties

Ook beschikt de Magnetic Home over een standaard maat crank waardoor het mogelijk is om andere pedalen te monteren zoals SPD pedalen. Met behulp van de hoogwaardige ‘toe clips' die standaard op de Magnetic Home bevestigd zijn, kun je echter ook naar eigen wens je voeten vastzetten waardoor je de mogelijkheid krijgt om nog meer kracht te zetten.

Ben je enthousiast geworden over deze indoor cycle maar ben je op zoek naar een indoor fiets voor professioneel gebruik, bekijk dan de FitBike Race Magnetic Pro.


Ben je op zoek naar een indoor bike die je thuis intensief kan gebruiken, dan is de FitBike Race Magnetic Home het perfecte model. Met behulp van deze indoor fiets train je stabiel, comfortabel en geluidsvrij en geniet je van alle voordelen van die een magnetisch weerstandsysteem te bieden heeft! Consumenten hebben de FitBike Magnetic Home in maart én april 2017 niet voor niets verkozen tot de best gewaardeerde indoor cycle van Nederland!


By placing an order in the CycleMasters web shop you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions. After completion, you will receive an email confirming your order. When your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the Track & Trace code.

Within the Netherlands, all orders are sent for the fixed shipping costs of € 4.95. Orders are sent via parcel post.
With the exception of bikes, these are shipped from an external warehouse by our partner NRG.

For orders from €75,- within the Netherlands, we take care of the shipping costs and you pay nothing.

For orders from Belgium the standard rate of € 8 applies and for orders from€ 100,- your package will be sent for free.

For shipments to other countries, the appropriate shipping costs are charged, these are stated in the checkout process.

We aim to dispatch every order within 3 working days, unless otherwise stated. We are, regarding the delivery times, dependent on the shipping parties, so unfortunately we cannot give any guarantees on this. Do you have a rush order? Please contact us, and we will do our best to help you.

CycleMasters is not liable for loss or damage to the shipment.


By placing an order in the CycleMasters web shop you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions. After completion, you will receive an email confirming your order. When your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the Track & Trace code.

Within the Netherlands, all orders are sent for the fixed shipping costs of € 4.95. Orders are sent via parcel post.
With the exception of bikes, these are shipped from an external warehouse by our partner NRG.

For orders from €75,- within the Netherlands, we take care of the shipping costs and you pay nothing.

For orders from Belgium the standard rate of € 8 applies and for orders from€ 100,- your package will be sent for free.

For shipments to other countries, the appropriate shipping costs are charged, these are stated in the checkout process.

We aim to dispatch every order within 3 working days, unless otherwise stated. We are, regarding the delivery times, dependent on the shipping parties, so unfortunately we cannot give any guarantees on this. Do you have a rush order? Please contact us, and we will do our best to help you.

CycleMasters is not liable for loss or damage to the shipment.


If you have ordered through our website as a private consumer (not applicable for business customers), you have:

  • 14 days to register a return.
  • Another 14 days at the latest to actually return it.
  • We then have up to 14 days to refund the amount.

During these 14 days after receipt of the item or conclusion of an agreement relating to the provision of a service, you may dissolve the agreement without giving any reason.

Please note that different conditions apply to the return of Bikes & Clothing/Accessories.


Costs for the return shipment are for your own account. For packages heavier than 30 kilograms which by their nature cannot be returned by normal postal means, the shipping costs are estimated at a maximum of approximately €150 (depending on weight, volume and place of residence).


For the return of packages heavier than 30 kilograms, we will make a pick-up appointment with you. The package will be picked up by a selected shipping partner.

How to return?

If you want to return a package of more than 30 kilograms, please contact us at We will then let you know what the next steps are for picking up the package.

Handling of the return

As soon as your returned item has been processed by us, you will receive an email about it. We strive to process your return as soon as possible. Our aim is to process this within 2-5 working days after receipt of the package.

We’ll refund the purchase price in the same way you paid.
Clothing & Accessories

Costs for the return shipment are for your own account. Costs for return shipments will only be reimbursed (in retrospect) when there is damage caused by transport or incorrectly delivered items.


If you prefer to receive a different size, just email You will receive a discount code for the shipping costs, so you don’t have to pay them again. We can also create the order for you if you prefer.


If you exercise your right of return, the product will have to be returned to us with all delivered accessories and – if reasonably possible – in the original condition and packaging. If the product is damaged or the packaging is more damaged than necessary to try the product, we may pass this reduction in value of the product on to you. So please treat the product with care and make sure it is well packaged when returning.

Send a return form filled in as completely as possible. We recommend that you send your return with a Track & Trace code. You are responsible for any loss or damage to the product during shipment. Keep the shipping document until you have received notification that your return has been processed. You can also (by appointment) bring your return to our office in Bleiswijk. Please email to make an appointment. 

How to return?

Fill out the return form and put it in the package. Cut the address strip and tape it to the package. Take the package to a shipping location of your choice. There you will receive a proof of shipment which you can use to prove that the package was returned. Keep this code safe and have it handy if needed.

You can also register your return via Then you can create and pay for the shipment via a link you will receive from us. You then only need to print out the label, stick it on the parcel and hand it over at a PostNL point.

Handling of the return

As soon as your returned item has been processed by us, you will receive an email about it. We strive to process your return as soon as possible. We aim to process this within 2-5 working days after receipt of the package.


We will refund the purchase price in the same manner as you paid for it. Only if the entire order is returned then any shipping costs paid will be refunded.

Return address

CycleMasters BV
Jan van der Heydenstraat 26 | 2665 JA Bleiswijk
Phonenumber: +31(0)85 888 2853 (available during office hours)
Company Nr.: 74468065
VAT-NR: NL859913600B01


If you have ordered through our website as a private consumer (not applicable for business customers), you have:

  • 14 days to register a return.
  • Another 14 days at the latest to actually return it.
  • We then have up to 14 days to refund the amount.

During these 14 days after receipt of the item or conclusion of an agreement relating to the provision of a service, you may dissolve the agreement without giving any reason.

Please note that different conditions apply to the return of Bikes & Clothing/Accessories.


Costs for the return shipment are for your own account. For packages heavier than 30 kilograms which by their nature cannot be returned by normal postal means, the shipping costs are estimated at a maximum of approximately €150 (depending on weight, volume and place of residence).


For the return of packages heavier than 30 kilograms, we will make a pick-up appointment with you. The package will be picked up by a selected shipping partner.

How to return?

If you want to return a package of more than 30 kilograms, please contact us at We will then let you know what the next steps are for picking up the package.

Handling of the return

As soon as your returned item has been processed by us, you will receive an email about it. We strive to process your return as soon as possible. Our aim is to process this within 2-5 working days after receipt of the package.

We’ll refund the purchase price in the same way you paid.
Clothing & Accessories

Costs for the return shipment are for your own account. Costs for return shipments will only be reimbursed (in retrospect) when there is damage caused by transport or incorrectly delivered items.


If you prefer to receive a different size, just email You will receive a discount code for the shipping costs, so you don’t have to pay them again. We can also create the order for you if you prefer.


If you exercise your right of return, the product will have to be returned to us with all delivered accessories and – if reasonably possible – in the original condition and packaging. If the product is damaged or the packaging is more damaged than necessary to try the product, we may pass this reduction in value of the product on to you. So please treat the product with care and make sure it is well packaged when returning.

Send a return form filled in as completely as possible. We recommend that you send your return with a Track & Trace code. You are responsible for any loss or damage to the product during shipment. Keep the shipping document until you have received notification that your return has been processed. You can also (by appointment) bring your return to our office in Bleiswijk. Please email to make an appointment. 

How to return?

Fill out the return form and put it in the package. Cut the address strip and tape it to the package. Take the package to a shipping location of your choice. There you will receive a proof of shipment which you can use to prove that the package was returned. Keep this code safe and have it handy if needed.

You can also register your return via Then you can create and pay for the shipment via a link you will receive from us. You then only need to print out the label, stick it on the parcel and hand it over at a PostNL point.

Handling of the return

As soon as your returned item has been processed by us, you will receive an email about it. We strive to process your return as soon as possible. We aim to process this within 2-5 working days after receipt of the package.


We will refund the purchase price in the same manner as you paid for it. Only if the entire order is returned then any shipping costs paid will be refunded.

Return address

CycleMasters BV
Jan van der Heydenstraat 26 | 2665 JA Bleiswijk
Phonenumber: +31(0)85 888 2853 (available during office hours)
Company Nr.: 74468065
VAT-NR: NL859913600B01

Secure Payment

CycleMasters offers several payment options. Our payments are securely handled by our Payment Service Provider and Paying with our payment options is easy and completely safe.

Choose what payment method you prefer. Payments on the CycleMasters shop go through the secure channels of:

  • iDEAL (Netherlands)
  • Payment by credit card: Bancontact (Belgium)
  • Credit card: American Express, Mastercard, Maestro and Visa
  • In3 (In3 payments with 0% interest – Netherlands only)
  • Spraypay – Pay in installments (12, 18, 24 or 36 terms – Netherlands only)

Paying in installments is possible with the following options:

IN3 – Pay in 3 installments with 0% interest

Do you prefer not to pay your purchase in one go? Then use In3: the only spread payment method with 0% interest. You pay the purchase amount in three installments without extra costs. This way you can buy your favorite product within your budget. The minimum order amount is €100 and the maximum order amount is €3,000. Prior to payment, In3 does a superfast data check.

How does it work?

If you choose In3, you pay the full amount in three equal parts within 60 days. On the day of your order, you pay the first part via iDEAL and your purchase will be shipped. 30 days later you pay the second part and 30 days later the third part. This way, you do not have to spend a large amount of money at once. You will receive an email as soon as you need to make a new payment. That’s easy right?

  • Choose & check: Choose In3 at checkout, the system does a superfast data check.
  • 1st payment & shipping: You make your first payment immediately and the order is shipped.
  • 2nd & 3rd payment: Within 30 days you make the second payment and within 60 days you make the third payment.

For more information, please visit the In3 website

Note: This payment option can only be selected during checkout when the delivery address is the same as the billing address. If you choose a different delivery address, In3 as a payment option is not possible.

Spraypay – installment payment (12, 18, 24 or 36 installments)

With SprayPay, you can pay for your order in 12, 18, 24 or 36 monthly installments. Do you want to repay earlier or extra? This is always possible without penalty. You determine the payment term. Spread payment is possible from €250,- up to €5000,-.

The benefits of SprayPay:
  • No one-time high expense
  • Fixed monthly fee. The first installment is debited after 30 days
  • Additional or earlier repayment is 100% penalty free
  • The first term is debited after 30 days

To pay with SprayPay, the following steps must be completed:
Income / expense test

  • IDIN identification through your bank
  • Digitally sign agreement + direct debit

Once the order is approved, the order will be processed immediately. Do you want further information about SprayPay? Visit

Secure Payment

CycleMasters offers several payment options. Our payments are securely handled by our Payment Service Provider and Paying with our payment options is easy and completely safe.

Choose what payment method you prefer. Payments on the CycleMasters shop go through the secure channels of:

  • iDEAL (Netherlands)
  • Payment by credit card: Bancontact (Belgium)
  • Credit card: American Express, Mastercard, Maestro and Visa
  • In3 (In3 payments with 0% interest – Netherlands only)
  • Spraypay – Pay in installments (12, 18, 24 or 36 terms – Netherlands only)

Paying in installments is possible with the following options:

IN3 – Pay in 3 installments with 0% interest

Do you prefer not to pay your purchase in one go? Then use In3: the only spread payment method with 0% interest. You pay the purchase amount in three installments without extra costs. This way you can buy your favorite product within your budget. The minimum order amount is €100 and the maximum order amount is €3,000. Prior to payment, In3 does a superfast data check.

How does it work?

If you choose In3, you pay the full amount in three equal parts within 60 days. On the day of your order, you pay the first part via iDEAL and your purchase will be shipped. 30 days later you pay the second part and 30 days later the third part. This way, you do not have to spend a large amount of money at once. You will receive an email as soon as you need to make a new payment. That’s easy right?

  • Choose & check: Choose In3 at checkout, the system does a superfast data check.
  • 1st payment & shipping: You make your first payment immediately and the order is shipped.
  • 2nd & 3rd payment: Within 30 days you make the second payment and within 60 days you make the third payment.

For more information, please visit the In3 website

Note: This payment option can only be selected during checkout when the delivery address is the same as the billing address. If you choose a different delivery address, In3 as a payment option is not possible.

Spraypay – installment payment (12, 18, 24 or 36 installments)

With SprayPay, you can pay for your order in 12, 18, 24 or 36 monthly installments. Do you want to repay earlier or extra? This is always possible without penalty. You determine the payment term. Spread payment is possible from €250,- up to €5000,-.

The benefits of SprayPay:
  • No one-time high expense
  • Fixed monthly fee. The first installment is debited after 30 days
  • Additional or earlier repayment is 100% penalty free
  • The first term is debited after 30 days

To pay with SprayPay, the following steps must be completed:
Income / expense test

  • IDIN identification through your bank
  • Digitally sign agreement + direct debit

Once the order is approved, the order will be processed immediately. Do you want further information about SprayPay? Visit

man on a indoor cycling bike

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